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Planning matters

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It’s the 2016 PASS Summit at the end of this month, and I’ll be attending for my third year.

Because I’m a glutton for punishment, I’ll also be writing bonus posts for the month of October to celebrate Summit.

Fortunately, because I’m the luckiest person in the world, I am attending the Pet Shop Boys concert in Vancouver on the Monday evening beforehand, so that is going to be exciting, too.

Getting on a plane and flying from Calgary to Seattle is such a convenience these days. You book your flights, drive to the airport, breeze through airport security, and the plane jets you, undelayed, to Vancouver, where you hop on a train to your hotel, have dinner nearby, and then walk to the concert. The following morning after a good night’s uninterrupted sleep, you hop back on the train to the airport as scheduled, pass quickly through passport control (so as not to trouble you with that on the other side, one of the benefits of flying to the US out of Canada), once again breeze through airport security, and the plane jets you to Seattle-Tacoma airport, where you get off the plane quickly, fetch your luggage, breeze through customs, and there you are. A short train ride to the hotel later, you’re ready to face the networking track of the Summit for three days.

If only migrating a SQL Server database to Azure SQL Database were this simple.

Of course, I’m joking. There are many very important steps involved when thinking about flying to another country, even if it’s just for a few days. This is especially complex when you add in a side-trip to Vancouver for an evening. It requires careful planning, making sure enough time exists to get everything done. And you can’t forget your passport either.

So why do so many people in the Information Technology industry want to do things without careful planning?

Every time (and I’m guilty of this at times, too), a new technology comes out, and it becomes trendy, we all jump on the bandwagon and start playing around with it. So far, so good. That’s the equivalent of kicking the car tyres.

And then management says (because management plays golf with vendor sales, or the developer lead likes that it uses tabs instead of spaces) that we have to move to this new technology to save the company lots of money. Less good, but doable.

The next logical step is to do a proof of concept. That’s where we research the requirements of the existing system, the limitations of the new technology, and build a working model to see if it is fit for purpose. If it is not fit for purpose, the amount of time we have expended is minimal, and we continue bug fixing on the older technology stack, letting management know that it is not possible, or practical, to move to this new technology.

If the proof of concept shows merit, then we go back to the project manager and business analysts, and begin planning for migration. We include all the stakeholders, including customers (internal and external), and slowly develop clear goals and timelines. There’s a project lead, and politics don’t enter into it. And unicorns are real.

Why is it that we want so badly to “play” with the new technology that we lose sight of this necessary step?

Microsoft announced Azure SQL Database in 2009. While it has been seven years since that time, and children born in that year are now at school, it’s a very short time in the technology world. SQL Server itself is only 27 years old. COBOL, which is still very much in use, is 57 years old. C is 44 years old. Large chunks of the Internet infrastructure are built on C and C++.

My point is, if we are going to move a company’s systems to newer technology, we have to consider longevity:

  1. How long will the new technology be around?
  2. How long will the system we’re migrating be around?
  3. (Bonus question) Will someone getting upset on the Internet destroy my system?

The bonus question relates to the crisis NPM faced earlier this year, when a single 11-line JavaScript file caused thousands of projects, that depended on it, to fail.

Moving to Azure SQL Database is a complicated process. While the underlying structure might look familiar, and while most of our code will probably work fine, there are major stumbling blocks that could scupper our plans entirely.

Take for example the fact that you are not allowed to address tempdb directly. You can create local temp tables and table variables just fine, but you cannot check for their existence by referring directly to tempdb.

This works:

CREATE TABLE #test (col1 INT);

This does not:

IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tempdb..sysobjects
WHERE id = OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#test')

This “minor” issue occurs in many more places than you might think it does, because everyone reading this knows about that one legacy system we’re too scared to touch.

If management is pressuring you to migrate to the new stuff because it’s trendy, they’re doing it wrong.

Careful planning is what you need. This includes a proof of concept, a 100% pass rate using the Data Migration Advisor, and a project manager who understands the complexities involved, plus a proper testing plan that includes automated unit tests, edge cases, and humans bashing away at keyboards and mice.

And don’t forget to plan for a disaster, especially for a disaster that occurs during the migration.

Share your migration horror stories with me on Twitter, at @bornsql .