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Goodbye, old friend

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SQL Server 2000, I will miss you.

Two months ago, my last customer running on SQL Server 2000 took the plunge, and upgraded to SQL Server 2005.

Last night between 9pm and 1:30am this morning, I performed diagnostics on the new environment, and it only struck me today that I would not be supporting SQL Server 2000 for any of my existing customers again.

So long, old friend.

If you or anyone else around you is running SQL Server 2000, let me know. I can help them upgrade to SQL Server 2016. Microsoft no longer supports SQL Server 2000, and neither should you.

But if you’re scared, and your SQL Server 2000 instance needs a friend, I can still help. That’s why I back-ported the Duplicate Index Finder in the first place. I will look after it for as long as you need, before upgrading to a version that is still supported by Microsoft.