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Data Platform MVP Award

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I am pleased to announce that I was awarded the Data Platform MVP Award by Microsoft on 1 January 2017. Nothing changes with my customers. I will continue to look after you with the same… Data Platform MVP Award

2016 in review

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Lots of interesting things happened this year in the world of data. As 2016 draws to a close, I’d like to encourage you to find a piece of Azure SQL Database, or SQL Server, and… 2016 in review

SQL Saturday 607 Calgary 2017

SQL Saturday in Calgary!

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I am very happy (and terrified) to announce that Calgary will host its very first SQL Saturday, #607, on 29 April 2017. Noel Tan and I are organising it (though Noel is doing all the… SQL Saturday in Calgary!

Wait For Service Pack 1

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Conventional wisdom tells us that when Microsoft releases a new version of any server product, we should wait until Service Pack 1 before deploying it to production. This hasn’t been true for a while now, since Microsoft… Wait For Service Pack 1

Look, Ma, No Surprises

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Last week I demonstrated at least 30% performance improvement by switching to memory optimised table-valued parameters on SQL Server 2016. This week I will demonstrate the same test using Azure SQL Database, on the Premium… Look, Ma, No Surprises

Azure Storage Throughput

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Hot on the heels of DTUs from earlier this week, today we’re going to switch focus a little, while staying with Azure, and have a quick look at storage speeds on SQL Server running on Azure… Azure Storage Throughput