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Loyalty can be bought

This piece was originally written some years ago, and never published. It is a report and analysis of the largest project I had worked on as a developer / DBA up to that point in my career. I have published it here for any of you who are interested.Loyalty can be bought

Total Recall

This is the final entry in my #SQLNewBlogger challenge. You can read the previous entries here: Part 1: The Intersection of Art and Science Part 2: The Art of Improvisation Part 3: What Motivates You?… Total Recall

What motivates you?

In this, the third part of my series on the intersection of art and science, I hit that crossroad. I can cross over into the creative, art side, where this post has been written, or… What motivates you?

The Art of Improvisation

This is the second post in my four part series for the #SQLNewBlogger Challenge. You can read the first part here. On Saturday, 28 March 2015, I moved three servers and various networking equipment from… The Art of Improvisation

broken blue ceramic plate

Assumption Sandwich

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Today we went live with a product we’ve been working on for A Long Time, in which a team of five has put in A Lot Of Work. During the walk-through with the customer, loading… Assumption Sandwich

Too quiet

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This blog has been neglected for the past year. Ironically, I’ve been developing a fairly complex SQL Server database for a new company, which is why I haven’t spared a thought this way. Tonight was… Too quiet

SQL PASS Summit 2014

I’ve been privileged to attend the 2014 Summit in Seattle this year, which has been a great experience thus far. More importantly, I’ve been speaking to the members of the SQL Server family, getting to… SQL PASS Summit 2014


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I was perusing the headers of some databases on my SQL Server 2012 instance, and came across an interesting typo after running DBCC DBINFO: dbi_ContianmentState In my CTP of SQL Server 2014, it has been… dbi_ContianmentState

Goodbye, old friend

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SQL Server 2000, I will miss you. Two months ago, my last customer running on SQL Server 2000 took the plunge, and upgraded to SQL Server 2005. Last night between 9pm and 1:30am this morning,… Goodbye, old friend

LED light panel

How SQL Server stores data types: bit columns

I was curious how SQL Server saves bit columns in a row. According to Microsoft Docs, it’s fairly straight-forward:

The SQL Server Database Engine optimizes storage of bit columns. If there are 8 or less bit columns in a table, the columns are stored as 1 byte. If there are from 9 up to 16 bit columns, the columns are stored as 2 bytes, and so on.

But how does the data actually look on the page? Let’s find out.

Here’s our test table:

USE [tempdb]

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TestBit] (
[TestID] [int] IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL,
[BitField] [bit] NOT NULL DEFAULT(0),

-- Insert four rows
INSERT INTO [dbo].[TestBit] 1

Now let’s have a look inside the row.

We can either use the classic DBCC IND method:

DBCC IND('tempdb', '[dbo].[TestBit]', 1);

Or we can use sys.dm_db_database_page_allocations on SQL Server 2012 (courtesy of Jason Strate):

SELECT allocated_page_file_id,
FROM sys.dm_db_database_page_allocations(DB_ID('tempdb'),
OBJECT_ID('[dbo].[TestBit]'), 1, NULL, 'DETAILED')
WHERE is_allocated = 1
AND page_type = 1;

Notice how I asked for Page Type 1, which according to Paul Randal, is a data page.

My output to the modified Strate Script looks like this:

allocated_page_file_id allocated_page_page_id
3 30

Now we output to the console:

DBCC PAGE(tempdb, 3, 30, 3)

Here’s the first row, with the bit column set to 0 (I have edited the output to just display the row data, highlighting the column data):

00000000: 10000900 01000000 00020000

Here’s the last row, with the bit column set to 1:

00000000: 10000900 04000000 01020000

(Back to Paul Randal’s series on the Storage Engine, in Anatomy of a Record, we know that the 02 in the above row, after the byte that stores our bit column, is part of the NULL bitmap. Two bytes count the number of columns in the record, which in this case is 2.)

Now let’s mix things up and see how the row looks with eight columns that are bits.

DROP TABLE [dbo].[TestBit]

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TestBit] (
[TestID] [int] IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL,
[BitField1] [bit] NOT NULL DEFAULT(1),
[BitField2] [bit] NOT NULL DEFAULT(0),
[BitField3] [bit] NOT NULL DEFAULT(1),
[BitField4] [bit] NOT NULL DEFAULT(0),
[BitField5] [bit] NOT NULL DEFAULT(1),
[BitField6] [bit] NOT NULL DEFAULT(0),
[BitField7] [bit] NOT NULL DEFAULT(1),
[BitField8] [bit] NOT NULL DEFAULT(0),

In our first example with the larger table, I’ll set the bits alternating on and off to see how it looks.


The DBCC PAGE output (edited again) shows us the following:

00000000: 10000900 01000000 55090000 00

(Notice the NULL bitmap now reflects that we have 9 columns.)

How about all of the bit columns set to 0, except the first one?

00000000: 10000900 01000000 01090000 00

All of them set to 1 except the first one?

00000000: 10000900 01000000 fe090000 00

All of them set to 0 except the last one?

00000000: 10000900 01000000 80090000 00

And finally, all of them set to 1 except the last one:

00000000: 10000900 01000000 7f090000 00

Books Online also says that if you have more than 8 bits in a row, additional bytes are assigned to accommodate each set of eight. Here’s what we get when we add just one more column to our table:

00000000: 10000a00 01000000 7f210a00 0000

(Our NULL bitmap shows 0a for 10 columns.)

I’ve now completely satisfied my curiosity about how bit columns are stored in SQL Server.

And don’t forget:

DROP TABLE [dbo].[TestBit]

Thank you for reading.

Photo by Vlad Tchompalov on Unsplash.

How SQL Server stores data types: bit columns