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Speaking at SQLSaturday 725 in Victoria

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Victoria is on an island off the coast of Vancouver, British Columbia. The island is wisely called Vancouver Island. It is beautiful there, and I wouldn’t mind retiring there someday.

Those of you who listen to my convoluted stories will recall that it was on Vancouver Island that I broke my foot in 2013.

Hopefully I will be in better shape when I will be speaking at the Victoria SQLSaturday on March 3rd, 2018. My beginner-level session is titled Back Up and Restore Your SQL Server Database, and I explain why this is the most important job you can do as a data professional.

Take some time to visit the third most beautiful part of the world (after Jasper and Banff), and learn some stuff along the way.

You can also look for me on Twitter at @bornsql, and I’d really appreciate it if you buy my book, where I wrote a whole chapter on database backup and restore.